How the percentile is calculated? What are cut off s for diff IIMs

If 100 appear CAT then the person with rank 1 gets 100 %tile. Person with rank 2 gets 99 %tile. Person with rank x gets [u](100 – (x-1)) * 100 [/u] %tile. 100 To be more general if N students appear cat then the person with X rank will have a percentile of [u][ N - ( X –1)][/u] * 100 N Cut offs for IIM vary for year to year . But to get 6 IIM calls you need to get 99.6 with 99 in all the three section. If you get 90%tile in each three section and an overall of 99.2 then you can expect 1-2 call. But work-ex and other factors does matter in getting a call from IIMs

Institutes like S.P. Jain give importance to many factors before short listing students for GD/PI . so CAT score is not the only pass for a good b school .. with a low cat score u can make it into TOP 10 if u have some thing exceptional qualities to show.